Random or destined

My footsteps.jpg

I met a new friend today. It happened to be the last day before Isaac Mao’s big trip to Europe and US. It was planned random. Apparently, Isaac Mao is not random person. He is one of China’s first and most well-known bloggers, is very active in the research and development of the internet blogging community. I am really glad this meeting took place, when I was contemplating on reviving my own blogs. The conversation we had mostly surround pursuit of passion, as well as the impact of media to market oneself in this fast-changing world.

Maybe inspired by the conversation, maybe it’s the continuity of my random endeavor, I decided to join another friend at a pre-opening event of SHContemporary art fair. We went to Lounge 18 - a trendy place recently opened on the fourth floor of the classic Bund 18 complex. I had a little bit chit chat here and there over 3 to 4 glasses of wine. Just when I was about to leave, I ran into Uli Sigg, the former Swiss ambassador in China (decades ago) and one of the largest Chinese contemporary art collectors in the world. I was planning to go to the opening of his Mahjong exhibition at Berkeley Art Museum in the bay area, and felt bad not being able to make it due to the schedule conflict of various art fairs in Shanghai. Apparently, just 10 hours before Uli’s flight to San Francisco, I managed to at least say hello.

I cherish the little surprises in life once in a while. But who knows whether these surprises were supposed to happen anyway, for one reason or the other. I wonder what surprises will show up in the vibrant art scenes in Shanghai - I hope to see more interesting art works, and of course discover more interesting artists. It’s less than a week away - I very much look forward to it!