Real art need to have "soul"



I was reading Chen Jialing and Wu Guanzhong's dialogue about art and soul, which is exactly what has inspired me in art appreciation and creation. The dialogue also reminded me of an interview I did with a zen philosophy artist Yi Xuan (spending half his time in Beijing and another half in the mountains studying zen) a few months ago... Like many Chinese water ink painters, artists in both dialogues elaborated their art inspiration, soul, as well as their buddhism/taoism wisdom. I hope bilingual readers can enjoy both articles.

Yi Xuan's interview - conducted by Belinda Shi from MMA:

We noticed that in your portfolio of works, there is a significant section devoted to the ‘Zen’ theme. Can you speak to why this topic is important to you and how your life impacted this development?

Yi Xuan: My personal life obviously had a significant influence on my life. Specifically, back in 2001 and 2002, there were students of mine who for no particular reason passed away. These unfortunate and sad circumstances forced me to look inwards and think about life. In Buddhist Zen philosophy there is a teaching of “constant change” (Chinese called Wu Chang – no norm) in life. This Zen philosophy and inwards looking attitude that I explored in greater depth after these years had a significant influence in my art and direction of my work

MMA: So most of your works reflected your spiritual thought, esp. in relation to how you look at life?

Yi Xuan: It’s beyond spirit. It has something to do with zen wisdom, power and inspiration, something that allows you to be at peace. For example, I would feel sorrow when knowing someone died, but now as I understand one’s existence as part of a grand scheme of the universe, I look at the whole thing differently. Some of my works—like that of “Micro organisms”—I enlarged a tiny creature to a large scale painting, to show life’s existence. It doesn’t matter how big or small a life is, as it’s a relative term, it’s all part of the big picture. That’s how I look at life, art, and myself or just about anything.

MMA: What is your biggest inspiration for your works—rather, how do you find inspiration?

Yi Xuan: Over the years, I have realized that in my earlier years as a student and artist, I looked outwards—by that I mean the world external to us as individuals—for inspiration. After the incidents I experienced in 2001-2002, I have focused more inwards and that is where my inspiration comes from. I spent once or twice in the mountains every year to study zen (from Buddhist masters), and it helped me to reshape my approach to look at the external world – from an internal perspective. An analogy could be a mirror – when it’s clear and smooth, it reflects the external world as is, when it is covered by dust or curved on the surface, it will distort the world. In Taoism, we emphasize “no enforcement” (to change/go against the nature) – we do not have to necessarily find a way, or something unnatural. This is the same for my art. In some ways, I feel like I have “merged” myself with the universe. When I paint, I can’t necessarily say that I am actually creating the works. In some ways, it’s “Nature” or the “Universe” using me as a medium for my works to take shape. Oftentimes it’s the art which changes me instead of me creating the art.

MMA: Is there any reason you choose abstract as a genre?

Yi Xuan: I have always done various genres of work. For example, back in 1991, I left the art academic arena and started an interior design company. This move didn’t allow me enough time for painting, however once I started painting full time again, I tried many genres and mediums of art—ranging from doing performance art, installation art as well as painting abstract works in ink and oils. I feel natural to use the abstract genre to reflect what I feel, so there is no particular reason or enforcement that drives me to definitely do abstract.

MMA: Do you have any favorite pieces? Or do you think certain works are more representative?

Yi Xuan: It’s hard to determine what is the best. Each piece is representative of that stage of my life so it’s hard to say.

MMA: I noticed unique terms you use to describe your art. They sound very Zen Buddhist. How did you name your series or even individual paintings?

Yi Xuan: My titles come to me after I paint it. I look at it; I stare at it; and eventually the name will come to me— almost magically. It’s a very Taoist way. To me, when I look at a painting it‘s like if I saw it for the first time, so I wait until the name comes to me.

MMA: So in summary, how do you see the relationship between Chinese art, Zen philosophy, and yourself?

Yi Xuan: In my view, art and life is one—it’s all intertwined together; this includes the creation process. What I mean is that there’s no difference between me and my art—we are one and the same. In addition, it is important to note that traditional Chinese art, represented by the mountain/water paintings, is really about philosophy—it is just another medium of expression rather than a skill.

MMA: You have experienced changes in both life and art in the past. What is the future direction of your art career?

Yi Xuan: As Taoism advocates, we should live in the present. I do not necessarily look at the past, or the future more than right now. My art career is the same. I want to focus on what I am doing right now, and the future will lead its own way.

MMA: I noticed in your bio that you tend to split your time between your studio in Beijing and your quiet mountain retreat in Fujian where you practice Zen Buddhism. How do you decide to split your time?

Yi Xuan: Because I’m inspired internally, I need to find time in my schedule to look inside and to be at peace. I don’t have a schedule I follow, but once I feel that something is out of balance, I will leave and lead the life of a monk as way of “coming back to center.” However, practicing Zen Buddhism does not mean we forget about reality. I come back to “real life” to work and paint. It doesn’t matter if you are located on a quiet mountain or a chaotic metropolis, just as long as you are at peace, you are yourself. There’s an old Chinese saying (in the summer), you’ll naturally feel cool if your heart is at peace.

MMA: Ok, one more question. What is your biggest goal as an artist?

Yi Xuan: I think art is not just about beauty. One should use it to explore life and it should become part of your life. For some people, poetry isn’t an expression of an idea, it’s a way of life; art is like that for me. My goal is to practice and perfect my art almost as if a monk learns to mediate to reach nirvana. I hope to reach nirvana through my art.

June 2008

吴冠中的国画世界:真正的绘画要有“心灵” (Wu Guanzhong's painting world: real art need to have "soul") 2008-10-13 16:51:14 来源 : 中国新闻网























