
Expand living space for family and friends

Optional depending on budget and complexity

Option 1 - Detached ADU in the backyard

Pro: More flexible in terms of size, height and location

Cons: more expensive and complex. Requires tree removal and driveway to be able to access to the location; need electricity and water supply from the main house


We like the following Floor plan (purchase link), but are open to change

Interior design

We like the look and feel of this ADU, but are flexible to change based on build budget/complexity.

Option 2 - attached ADU in the basement, converting from crawl space of the main house


  • easy access to electricity and water, doesn’t require tree removal and additional driveway

  • combined with backyard landscaping, this option gives better access to backyard and nature


  • low ceiling, sloped foundation, limited space

  • uncertain if we can build staircase inside the main house to access basement

  • multiple vents in the way to build floor low enough to keep reasonable ceiling height.

  • multiple HVAC pipe in the ceiling to further lower ceiling

Layout (Initial thoughts below)

Goal is to adopt the “tiny house” concept and build a stylish but small living space or library / gym, and get closer to the backyard to enjoy the nature.

The main challenge of the crawl space is its low ceiling, and sloped foundation.

We are open to simplify the ADU plan and just build a simple office / gym / storage space.

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