Peace and wisdom in simplicity - old man in his boat
Peace and wisdom in simplicity - old man in his boat
I was driving from Trinidad to Redwood National Park, and saw this old man slowly rowing his small boat in a vast body of water right next to the ocean. He was the only one there... I couldn’t help jumping off the car, and snapped a few shots at this simple and peaceful scene.
Many of us might have heard the story of two old men living on the boats. One is a fisherman, the other a retired businessman who conquered the whole world before finally retiring in his boat. The businessman could have chosen to live in this peace anytime in his life, but he waited, until he accumulated enough wealth but probably not too much else. So he purchased a boat, and decided to live in a fisherman’s life. Who’s the wiser man in this story? Maybe it does not matter. It’s probably just a matter of choice.
I wonder whether the old man I saw was the fisherman or the businessman. At least I believe he was the one who has figured out what he wanted in his life, and was enjoying his moment of peace and happiness.