Day 4 – Newberry National Monument & Paulina Lake

Another day of long drive.  We started a small tour at Newberry National Monument, and stopped for photos for Paulina Lake and Paulina Falls.  After seeing the stunning Crater Lake, I might need to wait a while before seeing any other lakes and say wow.  Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the view of the park before we hit the road for Washington.

We stopped at REI Bend to try my luck for some sub-zero size outfit again (not to much luck in California a few days ago).  I had to return a few pieces purchased at California, changing the XS to XXS.  But no, please don’t ask me to go to teenager’s sector.  I still want to hold on to my self esteem to not dress like a child.

When we crossed the state line from Oregon and Washington, it was the perfect time for sunset photography!   We stepped out of the car in the middle of nowhere, and enjoyed another beautiful moment facing the colorful and dazzling sky.

Tip of the Day

Here’s another sunset photo retouching video I’ve produced.  Again, it only takes 90 seconds and is super simple!


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