Portrait, Blog and Meaning of Life

Girl in Costa Rica

Girl in Costa Rica

It's 2am, Mon, Jan 25. I just spent the last 3 hours merging all my blog content from my old site into this new one.

From the beginning, I planned to separate my "portrait photography" from the rest - anything from landscape photography, art & culture to philosophy and well-being. The plan was to create a "clear market positioning" of my portrait photography business. After a number of months juggling through where I should post my blog, I finally realized it was not photograph nor business that I was posting, it was my life and the life of those around me that I have been sharing. My photography was simply a tool.

About 10 hours ago, I learned from a client that her grandpa just passed away today. And about 1 week ago, I was in the hospital photographing her grandpa and the entire family. I was trying my best to get the photos out, because somehow we all knew we were running out of time. Unfortunately, he would not be able to see the family portrait.... I felt deeply sorry.

This incidence, however, triggered me to rethink the ultimate meaning of my latest engagement in portrait photography. If it could mean something to someone's life and family, it would mean everything to me. I am quite sure there will be no doubt from this point on that I am doing something meaningful. If I were simply to wait for the right moment to admit to myself this was the right path, I guess today is the moment.

From today onwards, please refer this site for all my photos and stories, as they were really inseparable. Photography has always been a part of my life, and I trust it will continue to be a big part of my life for many years to come.

Thank you for reading this.