Volcanoes and Andrean Condors in Colca Canyon

Alpaca on way to Colca Canyon 2019-10-10-001.jpg

I'm backlogged. After a 3-day trip to Colca Canyon and another day in Arequipa, Peru, mostly without WiFi, and even without power the last day, I've finally caught up with my photo journal, at our new place in Santiago, Chile.


We passed the highest point in our travel, at 4900m elevation, on the Colca Canyon trip, saw many alpacas, vicunas, and a few Andean condors, the largest flying bird in the world.

It certainly wasn’t the easiest part of our trip, given the long drive (7-8 hours on and off the tour van each way), the elevation, and that 3 of us got sick.

Nevertheless, we thoroughly enjoyed the activities and, needless to say, the stunning views, including:

  • the 1-hour wait at Condor Crossing to photograph the Andean condors

  • the French/Peruvian home-cooked dinners at Anyi Anna Wasi, an indigenous and artistic hotel we stayed in Colca Canyon

  • the countryside hike with erupting volcanos in the background

The landscape along the way was incredible. We just wish we had more time to enjoy.

Anyi Anna Wasi backyard in Colca Canyon 2019-10-10-004.jpg

See more posts about our family trip in Peru.


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